Our liturgy
LIT'URGY, noun a pattern of worship to point us to God
Our Liturgy
The liturgy of a church is the pattern of worship we see as bringing people closer in their relationship with God within the community of believers. As a more liturgically complex church here is an idea of the ways we engage worship in our services.
Call to Worship
Throughout Scripture God’s people are called to set their minds and focus on the reading of God’s Word and the congregational call to come together in worship of our Holy God. This call is a refocusing for us as a church to come for worship and to voice together that our help comes from God alone. (Psalm 29: 1-2)
Singing of Psalms and Hymns
As a federation and church we sing the genevan psalms; a collection of the Psalms that were put to tune in the 1500s and hymns. Scripturally, we are called to be filled with the singing and making of melody to God in our hearts and this finds itself expressed in the spiritual songs, hymns and psalms of the Church. The joy of scripture and the love of God within our souls come to expression in the melodies sung. (Ephesians 5:19)
Reading of the 10 Commandments
The reading of the 10 Commandments is there to focus our mind on the commands of God for His people to live holy lives in glory of Him. The reminder that we are to have no other gods above the Lord points clearly to the place of God and His people. (Deuteronomy 5:1-3)
Prayer for the Spirit’s Light
We seek the wisdom of the Holy Spirit as we come before Scripture and the preaching of God’s Word that it might be rightly spoken and deeply received by all who hear it. (Hebrews 4:11-12)
Scripture Reading
The place of Scripture in our church services is of top importance since it is God’s Words for His people. We see that in speaking the words of Scripture we find ourselves before the God who authored them. (Psalm 1:1-2)
Preaching of the Word
The preaching of the Word is the primary focus of our service since it is the time where God’s word is spoken and taught to us in the light of the Gospel. As the Bible is a continuous story of God’s great love for His people, we seek the skills and passion of those trained in God’s Word to preach Christ alone to all who may hear. (1 Corinthians 1:21-25)
Offering is an opportunity to give our gifts and blessings to God who has placed needs within our circles of influence for us to care and give generously within. It is a response to the generosity of God towards us that we would completely entrust all aspects of our lives to Him. (1 Chronicles 16:28-30)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
This prayer is a response of thankfulness to God for the gifts He has given and will continue to provide as we trust Him. We recognize the weaknesses of life and find ourselves grateful for His continue love for His people. (Philippians 1:3-6)
Lord’s Blessing
The close of our service is also the blessed sending forth of His people into life. It is the reminder that our Father and King is with us and looking out for us in all that we are called forth to complete. It is the comfort of a Heavenly Father who cares deeply for His children. (Number 6:24-26)